
Como Perder Peso no Browser
E se juntássemos os feras que trabalham em grandes portais para criar o guia definitivo de performance para front-end?
ResearchNoSQL: Emerging Trends and Innovations 
Excelente Artigo para quem está querendo uma visão geral sobre as novas tendências de Bancos de Dados.

Agile / Management / Business

Why You Need a Daily Prioritization Meeting
We live in a culture of urgency, constantly throwing our emotional energy into the latest public scandal, emergency, or cat video. Most of us work in always-switched-on companies where everything feels urgent. Call backs, emails, and meetings are wrought with peak energy. How quickly do you expect a response to an email or changes to a report?

4 Ways to Inject New Energy Into Your Employees Don’t leave it to HR, Learn how to discuss issues constructively, Take the temperature regularly and Focus on the customer-facing employees.

The Four Secrets to Employee Engagement | HBR

Lean Startup for Agile Product Management Workshop
Continuous Acceptance Over the past year I ran a couple of Scrum trainings. At first I found it sort of funny to notice that amount of misconceptions that seem to appear in these various classes. Recently I figured that it would be more helpful to clarify some of them. Among one of the larger, and probably more manifested misconceptions regarding Scrum lies in the Sprint Review meeting. Let’s examine that one today. I am quite sure that someone has written about this before. I found that it would be worth to throw in my point of view as well.
Don’t Ask for Recognition, Earn it! “My performance is not great because management doesn’t understand my role and doesn’t support the BA work.” Does this type of complain sound familiar to you? I get comments like this from time to time from business analysts looking for help with their career, or offering an explanation of why their project is failing…
Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives
One of the most basic beliefs we carry about ourselves, Dweck found in her research, has to do with how we view and inhabit what we consider to be our personality…


Marry Amazon Kinesis and Storm Using the New Kinesis Storm Spout 
Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed service for real-time processing of streamed data at massive scale. When we launched Kinesis in November of 2013, we also introduced the Kinesis Client Library. You can use the client library to build applications that process streaming data. It will handle complex issues such as load-balancing of streaming data, coordination of distributed services, while adapting to changes in stream volume, all in a fault-tolerant manner.
Modularização com Java Script Componentes e módulos nunca foram tão mencionados como ultimamente. Ambos são conceitos antigos que devemos entender e passar a adotar o quanto antes. Quem sabe você possa repensar o seu JavaScript hoje mesmo?
Interview with Raffi Krikorian on Twitter’s Infrastructure Raffi Krikorian, Vice President of Platform Engineering at Twitter, gives an insight on how Twitter prepares for unexpected traffic peaks and how system architecture is designed to support failure.
How to Use New Relic Custom Dashboards & Why You’d Want To Today we’re going to look at New Relic custom dashboards. Specifically, I will show you three ways that I tend to use custom dashboards: creating an overview dashboard from existing charts, creating your own charts from existing data captured by New Relic, creating dashboards for your custom metrics…
Apache Camel workshop at BarcelonaJUG in January 2014
Workshop how to get started coding with Apache Camel.
Treinamento de AngularJS por Rodrigo Branas
  • Introdução ao AngularJS:
  • Criando componentes reusáveis com diretivas:
  • AngularJS: Manipulação de Dados:
  • AngularJS: Evoluindo o design da aplicação com DI e Services:
  • AngularJS:  Design Strategies:
  • AngularJS : Automatizando os testes e o workflow do projeto:
Python na

Web Storage – HTML5 Cookies foram por muito tempo, e ainda são hoje, uma das formas mais utilizadas para armazenar dados no cliente. No entanto, com o advento do padrão HTML5, surgiram novas alternativas para armazenamento de dados no cliente. A principal delas é o WebStorage.

Padrões de Integração com Apache Camel
O problema é que integração é uma tarefa árdua! Fazer que aplicações se comuniquem de maneira robusta e desacoplada não é fácil, pois não criamos as aplicações pensando na integração. Além disso, temos que trabalhar com plataformas, linguagens, formatos e protocolos diferentes, manter versões diversas, lidar com problemas da rede e falhas em geral, entre outras preocupações….
JBoss Tools Team: Javascript Development Tools are now open!
Our team has big interest in JavaScript tools in Eclipse. Support for JavaScript is important inside JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio. We rely on JSDT, but we found several important bugs and limitations in it. We had to contribute…
Palestra: Segurança em APIs HTTP, um guia sensato para desenvolvedores preocupados 
Liberar uma API HTTP para seus usuários é a melhor forma de estimular ideias inovadoras baseadas no seu produto, porém para se ter liberdade é necessário responsabilidade. Conheça métodos de autenticação de APIs, suas vantagens e desvantagens, e quando utilizar cada uma e liberar os dados com cabeça tranquila… 
Entrevista: Processamento Batch na Plataforma Java
Nesta entrevista Danival Taffarel Caligari fala sobre sua participação na JSR-352 que padroniza mecanismos para o desenvolvimento de processos batch dentro da plataforma Java. Esta especificação faz parte do Java EE 7 e foi acompanhada por meio do programa de Adopt a JSR.
Presentation: Design Patterns in Groovy
Venkat Subramaniam shows how to implement several design patterns, including some GoF ones, using Groovy’s dynamic nature and closures.
Presentation: Tribal Leadership for Agile Teams
Steffan Surdek introduces key Tribal Leadership models for Scrum Masters, Project Managers, Development managers or anyone else interested in a better understanding the teams they are working with
MongoDB and the Fine Art of Data Modelling

Design / UX

2014 Web Design Trends – To Follow or Not to Follow?
Flat Design, Artistic Fonts, Long Scrolling Stories, Hero Areas, Videos, Mobile Emphasis, Minimalist Design, Interactive Designs, Fixed Position Navigation Menu
Os livros que tenho lido sobre UX Mas resolvi selecionar e compartilhar por aqui quatro livros que li recentemente e que valeram cada centavo e hora a menos de sono. Livros que de alguma forma se relacionam a User Experience e que são bastante contemporâneos no tema que abordam e no método de design que referenciam.
When design best practices become performance worst practices

Cultura / Curiosidades

Lewis Carroll’s 8 Still-Relevant Rules For Letter-Writing 
– Start by addressing any questions the receiver previously had
– DRY – Don’t repeat yourself
– Write with a level head
– When in doubt, err on the side of courtesy
– Don’t try to have the last word
– Humor is hard to translate to writing. Be obvious
– Don’t forget that attachment!
– Using a postscript? Make it short
Netflix passa a exibir filmes em 3D no Brasil


Carlos Baldove, Rodolfo Ferreira e Diego Domingues pelas sugestões de conteúdo.

André Faria Gomes é executivo, empreendedor, investidor, mentor, gerente, escritor, palestrante, podcaster e agilista. Atualmente, é CEO da Bluesoft em São Paulo, investidor e membro do conselho da Wow e mentor da Liga Ventures.

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