Agile / Management / Business

How Not To Be a Product Owner 
Book Review: Left Brain, Right Stuff by Phil Rosenzweig
Left Brain explores the theme of questioning what we really know about a well-trodden topic. In this case, it’s decision making.
Book Review: Writing On the Wall – The First 2000 Years of Social Media 
5 simple ways you can make your startup marketing efforts invincible
A bunch of things entrepreneurs need to think about in the early stages of building an audience  

Startup Leadership: Lessons From a Runner’s World
Most of us with entrepreneurial drive have a similar passion for other pursuits. For me, it’s about long-distance running…
Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid
Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves, Give Away Their Power, Shy Away from Change, Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control, Worry About Pleasing Others, Fear Taking Calculated Risks, Dwell on the Past, Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over, Resent Other People’s Success,  Give Up After Failure,  Fear Alone Time, Feel the World Owes Them Anything, Expect Immediate Results.

Software Development

NuoDB 2.0: A Distributed Database
It delivers some major new geo-distributed management features, along with database automation and SQL and Java stored procedures. The geo-distribution capabilities enable users to distribute a single logical database across multiple cloud regions or data centers…
Persistência de Dados em Java com jOOQ (alternativa ao Hibernate, MyBatis, JDBC) 
jOOQ gera código Java a partir de seu banco de dados e permite que você construa consultas SQL typesafe através de sua API fluente.
jQuery 1.11 and 2.1 Released 
What’s New? Fewer forced layouts, Granular custom builds, Lower startup overhead, Published on nom, Published on Bower.
Javascript: SOLID – Liskov Substitution & Interface Segregation Principles 
Faster & More Cost-Effective SSD-Based Nodes for Amazon Redshift 
Amazon DynamoDB Turns Two… 
Learn the Essentials of Accessibility Testing 
The New Relic Community Site is Now Live! 
Sometimes, the standard CSS properties just can’t manipulate elements to fit in the way you want them to, or your fit methods need to be more dynamic, or you’re not using the DOM at all and need to perform these computations more abstractly..
Fit.js – Put Elements to Fit in the Way You Want 


Branding isn’t bullsh*t, it’s critical to the success of your business 
Análise competitiva de mercado – algumas dicas práticas 
É comum durante a análise da presença de uma empresa nas redes sociais verificar como estão seus concorrentes. O que me assusta é geralmente e a superficialidade de como isso é feito…
Microsoft pulls out even lower prices in the cloud to challenge Amazon 
How To Implement Google Analytics Events in Google Tag Manager 
Google Tag Manager is designed to minimize your dependency on web developers when you want to add marketing and analytics codes (or “tags”) to your website…
Product Managers Need To Know How To Find Customers In A Dark Room 
How are you going to find customers if you can’t see them? 
It’s About Time 
Everyone who has been working with Java for a while knows that the it lacks a decent API for working with dates, times and the like. In this blog post I want to briefly summarize what the problems with the existing APIs are.. 


O zen da produtividade
3 macetes simples para se tornar mais produtivo em tempo recorde 


Viajantes, parem de fazer fotos ruins!!! 
Para ajudar turistas a tirarem melhores fotos, Mimi Chan e Utsavi Jhaveri, estudantes de publicidade, andaram, andaram muito, por todos os lugares mais visitados por turistas nos Estados Unidos e procuraram os melhores ângulos para fotografar. Com um spray pintaram no chão um símbolo de duas pegadas, a hashtag #noshittyphotos e a frase Ponha os pés, aponte e clique, em inglês. A ideia das estudantes é fazer com que os turistas tirem as fotos em cima dessa marca no chão, fazendo assim um belo retrato….
9 imagens subliminares em logotipos famosos 

Como funciona uma fechadura?

Documentário: Entre Rios: A Urbanização de São Paulo

4 Ways To Find Inspiration Everywhere
Inspiration is not just found in museums and art galleries. Here are 4 ways you can find inspiration anywhere and everywhere.

Staying Energized No Matter What: 9 Things You Can Do Every Day 
Life is stressful.  We have lots of conflicting priorities: family/work/ travel/personal. And that’s just the day-to-day —  it doesn’t even account for the various emergencies, alarums and excursions that get lobbed over the transom into the midst of our lives with demoralizing frequency…

André Faria Gomes é executivo, empreendedor, investidor, mentor, gerente, escritor, palestrante, podcaster e agilista. Atualmente, é CEO da Bluesoft em São Paulo, investidor e membro do conselho da Wow e mentor da Liga Ventures.

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