É parte do meu trabalho como Diretor de Produtos e Tecnologia na Bluesoft, estar antenado sobre as tendências e novidades do mercado tanto voltadas para tecnologia em geral, como à gestão, à soluções para internet e às áreas de negócio de nossos clientes, por isso, leio muito todos os dias, muito mesmo. Acabo passando muitos links todos os dias para alguns especialistas do nosso time de acordo com os interesses de cada um, então pensei, porque não tornar isso algo mais público e visível que possa ser útil para outras pessoas da comunidade também?

Por isso, criei um página no Tumblr, onde compartilho automaticamente através do Feedly, os links itens que leio diariamente. Veja em http://andrefaria.tumblr.com. Você pode assinar um feed para acompanhar os links, se quiser.

Mas além disso, eu gostaria de publicar um resumo com os itens mais interessantes da semana compilado para leitura do meu time, então, de novo pensei, porque não publicar isso para toda a comunidade? Segue aqui, então, a primeira edição do Bluesoft News. Espero que você goste!
André Faria

Novidades Interessantes

PayPal muda de Java para JavaScripthttp://www.infoq.com/br/news/2013/12/paypal-java-javascript
Lançado o Spring 4:  Spring 4 claims to give both Java and Groovy developers a simpler way to deliver and integrate new application architectures, big data, devops and cloud-friendly deployment. In addition, it includes a new project named Spring Boot. Spring Boot is a new Spring technology that aims to deliver Ruby on Rails-like productivity to Java development. http://www.infoq.com/news/2013/12/spring4

Projetos Interessantes

Dust.js: Dust is a JavaScript templating engine designed to provide a clean separation between presentation and logic without sacrificing ease of use. It is particularly well-suited for asynchronous and streaming applications. http://akdubya.github.io/dustjs

KrakenJs: O PayPal também abriu o código do KrakenJs, An express-based Node.js web application bootstrapping module. https://github.com/paypal/kraken-js

Echo.js: simple JavaScript image lazy loading: http://toddmotto.com/echo-js-simple-javascript-image-lazy-loading/

Summingbird: O Twitter abriu o código do Summingbird, uma biblioteca para construção de soluções MapReduce que permite a execução em batch, real-time ou híbrido. https://github.com/twitter/summingbird

DevDocs:  DevDocs is a One Stop Shop for Reference Documentation. DevDocs combines multiple reference documentation sets, commonly used by software developers, in a single web site. DevDocs takes advantage of this centralization to offer crosscutting features to all the APIs such as a searchable interface, keyboard shortcuts, common layouts or a common table of contents. http://devdocs.io http://www.infoq.com/news/2013/12/devdocs-api-documentation

Red Pen – Fast and Productive Way to Get Feedback: Red Pen made it fast and productive to get feedback from your colleagues and clients. Test ideas, seek perspective, and get approval. Simply Drag and drop an image into the Red Pen homepage, and point at areas of the design and give contextual feedback. Your data won’t be sold or shared. You retain ownership of your uploads. https://redpen.io
BlackTie.co offers some free handsome Bootstrap themes for everyone, and “free” doesn’t always mean crappy. http://www.blacktie.co

Hibernate OGM: roadmap to first final. Hibernate OGM, in a nutshell, is JPA for NoSQL backends. http://hibernate.org/ogm/

Presto: Projeto Java OpenSource do Facebook para Consultas SQL Distribuídas (BigData). https://github.com/facebook/presto

Posts Interessantes

The Ten Rules of a Zen Programmer: On a rainy morning I found myself sitting at my desk thinking about efficient working. Before I started as a freelancer, I had some days where I worked a lot but was never happy with the result. I started with Zen practice back in 2006. What came to my mind after a good while was: the old Zen masters already knew hundreds of years ago, how today’s programmers should work… http://www.zenprogrammer.org/en/the10rulesofazenprogrammer.html

Go Product Roadmap: A new goal-oriented agile roadmap. GO is based on my experience of teaching and coaching product managers and product owners, as well as using product roadmaps in my own business. http://www.romanpichler.com/blog/agile-product-management-tools/goal-oriented-agile-product-roadmap

Grooming Canvas: O Décimo princípio do Manifesto Ágil diz:  Simplicidade – A arte de maximizar a quantidade de trabalho não realizado – é essencial.  Meu amigo Rodrigo de Toledo menciona:  Nos tempos atuais, o trabalho do profissional de informática deveria passar a se concentrar na SÍNTESE de sistemas. Devemos remover funcionalidades ao invés de gerar mais. Sendo assim, um dos maiores desafios econômicos e culturais do desenvolvimento de software é criar e efetivar uma inteligência saudável de descartar o máximo possível de trabalho não feito, para poder focar na menor parte de maior valor do produto. http://www.adaptworks.com.br/blog/index.php/2013/12/grooming-canvas/

2014: The Year of Workplace Reinvention: “Research shows that every time the size of a city doubles, innovation or productivity per resident increases by 15 percent. But when companies get bigger, innovation or productivity per employee generally goes down. So we’re trying to figure out how to structure Zappos more like a city, and less like a bureaucratic corporation. In a city, people and businesses are self-organizing. We’re trying to do the same thing by switching from a normal hierarchical structure to a system called Holacracy, which enables employees to act more like entrepreneurs and self-direct their work instead of reporting to a manager who tells them what to do.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/pam-ross/workplace-reinvention_b_4541805.html

Are You a Creative Networker? A creative networker is a person who creates or grows unique value within a network of people, or someone who creates or grows the network in an original way for others to share value. Even better, it can be a person who does both. – See more at: http://www.noop.nl/2014/01/are-you-a-creative-networker.html#sthash.LEDGF34t.dpuf

Organize seus contatos no Gmail usando tags: http://www.noop.nl/2014/01/tag-them-all.html

Flat Design Vs. Realism: inTacto is an interactive agency specialized in the creation of digital pieces. Founded in 2001 by Alejandro Lazos and Sebastian Caramés. They have just release an infographic “Flat Design Vs. Realism“. It is an award worthy explanation of flat design and realism design that includes an interactive game where you can choose your side and battle the enemy. Let’s take a look and have some fun. http://www.flatvsrealism.com

HotSpot e JIT Compiler, entendendo como funciona: http://www.handersonfrota.com.br/hotspot-e-jit-compiler-entendendo-como-funciona/

Processamento em lote no Java EE 7 e melhorias no Spring Batchhttp://www.infoq.com/br/news/2013/11/javaee7-spring-batch

Visualizando o Java Garbage Collectorhttp://www.infoq.com/articles/Visualizing-Java-Garbage-Collection

Palestras (vídeos/slides) Interessantes

Palestra sobre a Arquitetura da Elo7 na WS: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/devops-cloud-services

Dicas Avançadas de Groovy: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/groovy-tips

Lançamentos de Livros Interessantes

Free MiniBook Devops War Stories: http://www.infoq.com/minibooks/emag-devops-war-stories
Adaptive Leadership por Jim Highsmith: http://jimhighsmith.com/adaptive-leadership-ebook-just-published/
OAuth 2.0 Identity and Access Management Patterns: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781783285594
Test-Driven Development with Mockito: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781783283293
Spring Security 3.x Cookbook: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781782167525
Developing RESTful Web Services with Jersey 2.0: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781783288298
RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0, 2nd Edition: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781449361433
Java Performance: The Definitive Guide: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028499.do

Class A ERP Implementation: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781604276237
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financial Management: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781782177203

André Faria Gomes é executivo, empreendedor, investidor, mentor, gerente, escritor, palestrante, podcaster e agilista. Atualmente, é CEO da Bluesoft em São Paulo, investidor e membro do conselho da Wow e mentor da Liga Ventures.

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