
Funk Cavala (Go horse)
Esse funk explica a metodologia extreme go horse, uma maneira incrível de desenvolver software.
Why Codesign Tools are the Future of Web Design
Co-what tools? I hear you ask. Ok, so I invented that word to categorise software such as Webflow, Adobe Reflow and Macaw (not available yet) as I didn’t know what to collectively call them. These new tools, and more like them, are slowly edging their way into the web designers’ world and would really like to revolutionise how we think and design for the web.
Agile / Management
You’re in your first days as a product manager. In no time, your calendar is full and you have a zillion emails. There’s so much to do. Where to begin?


CodeClimate, Qualidade de Código e os Rubistas Sádicos
Análise estática de qualidade de código executado automaticamente é uma daquelas coisas que quando você se acostuma a usar passa a pensar “como diabos eu sobrevivia antes em isso?”
The Code Player
Video style walkthroughs showing cool stuff being created from scratch. Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and more…
New Features for Route 53 Today we are adding some useful new features to Route 53: Improved Health Checks (including HTTPS support), and a new record modification API.
It is time to reboot Eclipse Development Process Eclipse Foundation has a reputation for being heavy on process, especially among up-and-coming projects that compare us unfavorably to other open source communities, such as GitHub. Eclipse Development Process (EDP) is very prescriptive on what must be done by member projects at various stages with little regard for the fact that there is not a one true way of developing software. Perhaps it doesn’t have to be this way?
Revista Oracle Java Magazine Jan/Fev 2014 (Donwload Free) Big Data for Java Developers, Power to the People, Big Data Processing with Java, Introduction to Hadoop, Introduction to Cassandra, Java SE Date and Time
Suporte Sass no Sublime Text Tempos atrás mencionei esse plugin do Sublime Text que adiciona o syntax highlighter em arquivos sass (.scss). A pedidos, estou fazendo esse post com o passo a passo.
Modern.IE – Testing Tools for Web Developers Microsoft has recently launched Modern.IE, aimed at simplifying the sometimes arduous process of getting websites to work in older versions of the company’s Internet Explorer web browser.
Screenhero Remote Pair Programming
Pair program remotely in any IDE. You each get your own mouse cursor and it’s blazing fast.

Design / UX

O design das interações prazerosas #ISA13
Sim, eu sei que a primeira coisa que a grande maioria das pessoas pensam ao falar de prazer está diretamente relacionada ao prazer sexual, porém, o prazer não se resume a isso.


10 frases que estão limitando seu desenvolvimento pessoal Seja lidando com clientes ou colegas ou chefes, a forma que você escolhe suas frases e posiciona sua mensagem faz muita diferença no jeito que as pessoas te enxergam. As palavras que você escolhe podem ser a diferença entre ser visto como um problema ou como uma solução.
Get Rid of Stuff You Don’t Use When you face an illness or relationship breakdown (or any other life challenges), you start to understand the importance of prioritizing. So much of our precious and limited time is taken up with unimportant tasks and people pulling our attention this way and that.



Marcus Barcelos
Diego Domingues

André Faria Gomes é executivo, empreendedor, investidor, mentor, gerente, escritor, palestrante, podcaster e agilista. Atualmente, é CEO da Bluesoft em São Paulo, investidor e membro do conselho da Wow e mentor da Liga Ventures.

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